File photo of London Convention Centre. Photo by Miranda Chant, Blackburn News.File photo of London Convention Centre. Photo by Miranda Chant, Blackburn News.

Convention Centre Brings $17.8M To London

Over $17.8-million poured into London's economy in 2017, thanks to an event filled year at the London Convention Centre (LCC).

Ontario’s Tourism Regional Economic Impact Model shows the economic impact of the convention centre was $17,808,496 last year. The model shows the average convention centre visitor spent roughly $321 per day on accommodations, transportation, food, beverages, and shopping in the city.

The York St. facility hosted 306 events in 2017, producing an estimated 112,712 "delegate days." The building utilization rate rose to 72%, the highest it has been since the convention centre opened in 1993. Conferences hosted at the convention centre last year included those of the Pedorthic Association of Canada, the Canadian Association of Enterostomal Therapy, and the Ontario Pharmacists’ Association.

“Hosting conferences in London is beneficial not only to the LCC and hospitality partners but also for area restaurants and shops," said Lori Da Silva, convention centre CEO and general manager. "Delegates like to get out and connect with the host community; it’s all about finding that unique local experience.”

It’s estimated the convention centre has contributed over $176-million in economic impact for London since 2008.

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