At this session we will hear from EMC Member Robert Brouillette of City Welding. Along with as running City Welding, Rob is a lawyer by training, & wasn't easily intimidated by the labyrinthine tangle of programs, policies, regulations and guidelines that form the Canadian immigration system.
Rob has been successful developing a reliable pipeline of foreign skilled workers who have become an integral part of his business, which services the industrial, commercial, transportation, logging, and construction industries from his facility in the northeast end of Sudbury. Over the last 16 years, Brouillette estimates he’s recruited more than 30 foreign workers from countries around the world — both for his own shop and for others — who have the skills, knowledge and capabilities that he’s been unable to find here at home. Rob will detail his successes in this regard and provide insights on how you can also do this at your business.
Please RSVP to Jason Bates.