LONDON, ONT -- The Children’s Hospital at London Health Sciences Centre has launched a virtual emergency clinic.

The clinic will enable parents and children to speak to a paediatric emergency room physician by video to discuss the child’s condition and, together, determine next steps.

Patients will either be directed to see a primary care provider or come into the emergency department if deemed necessary.

“As care providers, we are concerned that families may be waiting too long to seek the care their children need, inadvertently allowing some conditions to worsen,” says Dr. Rod Lim, the Medical Director of the Paediatric Emergency Department at Children’s Hospital.

The virtual clinic is for parents and children who feel they need care but are unsure if they should go to the emergency room or are wary of going to the hospital due to concerns around COVID-19.

The virtual clinic will operate seven days a week from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. and does not replace in-person visits to the Emergency Department.

Parents seeking a virtual visit can call 519-685-8735 during the hours operation.