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Entrepreneurship in London, Ontario


Many talented students coming from London’s post-secondary institutions venture off and create their own businesses during or after graduation. London’s entrepreneurial landscape is supported by the LEDC and local resources like Propel Entrepreneurship at Western University, Leap Junction at Fanshawe College and The Ivey Institute for Entrepreneurship at Ivey Business School. These start-up hubs introduce students to the possibilities of starting and owning their own business, and provide resources for entrepreneurs at any stage of their business to help them attain their goals.

London, Ontario has everything an entrepreneur needs to be successful. No matter the field, extensive resources are readily available to get companies started off on the right foot. Incubator space like Hacker Studios, UnLondon and MVP Lab is available for startups looking to take their company to the next level. They provide the space and tools necessary to grow businesses and accelerate success.

Did you know? Entrepreneurs in London create approximately 8.2 million in economic impact each year. London attracts over 246 million in research and development initiatives each year.

Supporting Entrepreneurs

The LEDC works with several agencies like the Small Business Centre, TechAlliance and Campus Linked Accelerators to enhance the entrepreneurial culture in London. The LEDC assists small startups with finding suitable incubation spaces and services, and accessing capital to support their business ventures.

Our staff coordinators mentorship and networking opportunities to encourage more entrepreneurial activity in London. Additionally, the LEDC works with the City of London to create better business conditions such as streamlined municipal approvals, competitive cost structures and easy access to available resources.

Currently, the LEDC is working on a portal to support entrepreneurs called London Inc, which connects startups, scale-ups, prospects, investors, talent and established companies to programs and resources in London.

London Inc.

London Inc. is a one-stop portal offering programs to support startups and new ventures in London, Ontario. These results-based programs create growth opportunities, collaborations and help spread the word about entrepreneurship. London Inc. brings together essential elements like multi-stage supports, talent development and incubation spaces in order to help a company move from seed to success. Get connected to expertise, R&D facilities, and events in London geared towards helping entrepreneurs and startups thrive at

This is how I can help.

Ashley Conyngham

Ashley Conyngham

Director, Marketing and Communications

  • I can share your local business news & events
  • Promote your tech or manufacturing jobs 
  • Collaborate with you on your industry event
  • Help your business reach new audiences
  • Provide communications support for your SME

This is how i can help